The Role of the Youth Council in Local Democracy
Description: Local Youth Councils are youth structures established under the Youth Law, approved in 2019. According to this law, the local youth council must exercise the following competences: it advises local self-government units on the direction of local youth policies and plans, evaluates the situation of young people and the implementation of plans[…]

Why are programs targeting the empowerment of young people essential for local democracy?
Description: According to young people, programs targeting youth empowerment in the Municipality of Kavajë are few. They express that these programs are very necessary in order to create new spaces and opportunities for the development of young people's capacities and skills. But what are the main reasons that young people highlight for[…]

The challenges of youth employment in the Municipality of Kavajë.
Description: Youth employment is one of the main challenges they face in building their lives in Albania and is also one of the main drivers behind youth migration abroad. During the development of the Local Democracy Academy, the youth of Kavajë identified this issue as one of the main challenges they face.

Lack of Park Maintenance for Youth
Description: Another issue that young people have identified in the municipality of Kavajë is the lack of a park and recreational spaces in their city. The city park is one of the initiatives promised to the youth since 2019 after the local elections, but this project has not yet been completed. This awareness campaign is...

Why is a youth center needed in the city of Kavajë?
Description: After discussions and group work, the youth of the city of Kavajë have identified the main challenges and barriers hindering the active engagement of young people in decision-making and their involvement in social causes. One of the main issues they have identified is the lack of youth infrastructure in the city of Kavajë[…]

Local Democracy
Description: What is local democracy, and how can young people contribute to its proper functioning? The youth participants of the initiative "Youth for Local Democracy," after completing the Academy for Local Democracy, have developed their knowledge and skills regarding the practice of local democracy through non-formal education methods. Through these skills, they can...

Academy of Local Democracy
Description What is better than informing young people about their democratic rights? Young people who take concrete actions to empower themselves and to adequately represent the voice of youth to local authorities. This was the main message with which we successfully concluded the cycle of the Academy of Democracy [...]

Advocacy and Lobbying
Advocacy and Lobbying are two essential elements in the exercise of democracy and the principle of accountability towards government institutions. But what do they specifically involve? And how can we develop a successful advocacy campaign? For more information, follow the informative posts. This information campaign has been prepared as part of the initiative 'Youth for Local Democracy' implemented [...]