Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

Lack of Park Maintenance for Youth

Description: Another issue that young people have identified in the municipality of Kavajë is the lack of a park and recreational spaces in their city. The city park is one of the initiatives promised to the youth since 2019 after the local elections, but this project has not yet been completed. This awareness campaign is...

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

Why is a youth center needed in the city of Kavajë?

Description: After discussions and group work, the youth of the city of Kavajë have identified the main challenges and barriers hindering the active engagement of young people in decision-making and their involvement in social causes. One of the main issues they have identified is the lack of youth infrastructure in the city of Kavajë[…]

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

Local Democracy

Description: What is local democracy, and how can young people contribute to its proper functioning? The youth participants of the initiative "Youth for Local Democracy," after completing the Academy for Local Democracy, have developed their knowledge and skills regarding the practice of local democracy through non-formal education methods. Through these skills, they can...

CategoriesDesigning green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities

Përshkrimi Prezantimi i rezultatit të parë të projektit Ne jemi të lumtur të nisim një udhëtim novator në projektin tonë, “Dizajnimi i mjeteve mësimore për rritjen e gjelbër për të rinjtë me aftësi të kufizuara”! Tek “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare”, ne besojmë në fuqinë e edukimit dhe gjithëpërfshirjes. Sot, ne nisim një […]

Përshkrimi Prezantimi i rezultatit të parë të projektit Ne jemi të lumtur të nisim një udhëtim novator në projektin tonë, “Dizajnimi i mjeteve mësimore për rritjen e gjelbër për të rinjtë me aftësi të kufizuara”! Tek “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare”, ne besojmë në fuqinë e edukimit dhe gjithëpërfshirjes. Sot, ne nisim një […]

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

Academy of Local Democracy

Description What is better than informing young people about their democratic rights? Young people who take concrete actions to empower themselves and to adequately represent the voice of youth to local authorities. This was the main message with which we successfully concluded the cycle of the Academy of Democracy [...]

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

Advocacy and Lobbying

Advocacy and Lobbying are two essential elements in the exercise of democracy and the principle of accountability towards government institutions. But what do they specifically involve? And how can we develop a successful advocacy campaign? For more information, follow the informative posts. This information campaign has been prepared as part of the initiative 'Youth for Local Democracy' implemented [...]

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

The perception of young people about democracy in the city of Kavajë.

The proper functioning and implementation of the principles of local democracy are very important for the level of democracy in a country. But what do young people think about local democracy in Kavajë Municipality? This information campaign has been prepared as part of the initiative 'Youth for Local Democracy,' implemented by the association Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare with the support of [...]

CategoriesCreative Culture - Based Development of Durres Heritage News

Call for offer: training facility, lunch service and coffee break

Description In support of the "Creative culture-based Durrës heritage development" initiative within the EU4Culture project funded by the EU, implemented by UNOPS, in coordination with the Ministry of Culture of Albania, the Association "Free Travel - Liberi di Viaggiare" opens calls for : Facility for training, lunch service and coffee break for the products listed in the annex [...]


The "FIGHT AGAINST RACISM" Project in Italy, September 2022

Never hesitate to take on adventures! As we decided to take part in this project with the theme: "Fight Against Racism," a multidimensional journey that included many experiences at the same time. Starting with collaboration, communication, the blending of different cultures and traditions, interactive projects where the main message was the fight[…]

CategoriesEnvironmental Strategy of Kavaje Municipality

Planting trees within the project "Environmental Strategy of Kavaja Municipality"

Description Peace Day was organized differently this time by the "Free Travel" association. Within the project "Environmental Strategy of the Kavajë Municipality" that the association is implementing in this municipality supported by the ReLOaD2 program, trees were planted in the "Aleksandër Moisiu" gymnasium as a sign of peace and solidarity. The ReLOaD2 program is financed by the EU and implemented by UNDP. […]
