Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesDesigning green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities

The transnational meeting of the project "Designing Educational Tools for Green Development for Youth with Disabilities" took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, on December 2, 2022.

The description: Udhëtimi I Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare joined the Transnational Meeting within the framework of the project "Designing Educational Tools on Green Development for Young People with Disabilities," co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Commission. This project brings together 6 partners from 6 countries: North Macedonia, Romania, Austria, Albania, Sweden, and [...].


Green Europe - APV in Les Ulis

Description On the 8th till 11th of November 2022, our association took part in the advanced preparatory visit in Les Ulis France for the project “Green Europe” co-funded by the European Union through Erasmus + program where “Udhetim i Lire- Liberi di viaggiare” is one of the 10 partners of the consortium in this project. This project [...]

CategoriesYouth for Local Democracy

The Role of the Youth Council in Local Democracy

Description: Local Youth Councils are youth structures established under the Youth Law, approved in 2019. According to this law, the local youth council must exercise the following competences: it advises local self-government units on the direction of local youth policies and plans, evaluates the situation of young people and the implementation of plans[…]

CategoriesActive Tropoja Youths for our Municipality Active Projects

Active Tropoja Youths for our Municipality

Description With the youth of Tropoja Municipality, with the participation of the Mayor Mr. Rexhë Byberi, Mr. Elton Staff, director of the #EUforMunicipalities project, held the first official meeting in Tropoja within the framework of the winning project "Active youth in the Municipality of Tropoja" #ATY4M within the framework of the #EUforMunicipalities program, which comes as a joint product of ours. […]

CategoriesActive Tropoja Youths for our Municipality News

Call for bids for promotional materials and design

Description Contract Title: Promotional materials and design Project title: “Active Tropoja Youths for our Municipality – ATY4M” Within the project "Active Tropoja Youths for our Municipality - ATY4M" financed by the European Union from the EU4Municipality project, the Association "Udhëtim i Lirë - Liberi di Viaggiare" opens the call for: Promotional materials and design for […]
