Udhëtimi i Lirë


The Youth Exchange of the P.A.C.E project ending

Description The Youth Exchange developed within the P.A.C.E project in Kruja, Albania ended with young participants from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. The project is implemented by Youth for Peace (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Udhetimi Lire – Liberi di Viaggiare (Albania) and Balkans, let’s get up (Serbia), and is supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office - […]

CategoriesActivities P.A.C.E

World Youth Day 2021

Description The association "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" in the framework of the World Youth Day established by the United Nations (United Nations) on August 12, held several activities with young people from Albania, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the beginning they visited the premises of the Multifunctional Youth Center "Udhetim i Lirë" where they were introduced to […]

CategoriesActivities P.A.C.E

Activities developed in the framework of the International Youth Day 2021

Description The association “Udhetim i Lire – Liberi di Viaggiare” organized some activities on International Youth Day (12 August 2021) in Durres. In the activities participated youths from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. The activities were an opportunity for youth from 3 countries to learn from best practices at the local level […]



Përshkrimi Të rinjtë aktivist të shoqatës Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare morën pjesë në dy trajnimet e zhvilluara në kuadër të projektit P.A.C.E. njëri i zhvilluar në Beograd, Serbi dhe tjetri në Sarajevë, Bosnje & Hercegovinë. Projekti po implementohet nga organizatat: Youth for Peace (Bosnje & Hercegovinë), Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di […]
