Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesCareConnect: Empowering Employment in Long-Term Care Services News

Call for offers for food (catering)

Përshkrimi Në kuadër të projektit “CareConnect: Empowering Employment in Long-Term Care Services” që financohet nga Projekti “Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection “Lifelong Empowerment and Protection in Albania” (LEAP Albania)”,i cili zbatohet nga Programi i Perbashket i OKB-se “Fuqizimi dhe Mbrojtja gjate gjithe jetes ne Shqiperi”, Shoqata “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare” […]

CategoriesL.E.A.D News

Setting Up Wooden Shops in Shijak

Description: In the center of Shijak, 8 wooden shops were set up as part of the project “L.E.A.D (Local Empowerment and Development),” funded by the Bulgarian Embassy through the "Bulgarian Development Aid" program.

CategoriesL.E.A.D News

Call for Proposals: Wooden Kiosks (Shops)

**Description** In the framework of the "L.E.A.D (Local Empowerment and Development)" project funded by the Bulgarian Embassy through the "Bulgarian Development Aid," the association "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" is announcing calls for wooden kiosks (shops) as specified in Annex A, attached to the invitation for offers. Click here for more information about the call and application criteria.


The Kick off Meeting of the project L.E.A.D.

In the premises of the Municipality of Shijak, in the presence of His Excellency, the Ambassador of Bulgaria, Mr. Ivaylo Kirov, and the Mayor of Shijak, Mr. Elton Arbana, the opening meeting of the L.E.A.D project (Local Empowerment and Development) took place. The aim of this project is the economic empowerment of local family businesses in the Municipality of Shijak, ensuring economic impact […]

CategoriesActive Tropoja Youths for our Municipality Active Projects

Active Tropoja Youths for our Municipality

Description With the youth of Tropoja Municipality, with the participation of the Mayor Mr. Rexhë Byberi, Mr. Elton Staff, director of the #EUforMunicipalities project, held the first official meeting in Tropoja within the framework of the winning project "Active youth in the Municipality of Tropoja" #ATY4M within the framework of the #EUforMunicipalities program, which comes as a joint product of ours. […]
