Udhëtimi i Lirë


Aid for victims of the earthquake

The organization "Udhëtim i Lirë - Liberi di Viaggiare" is staying beside the families affected by the earthquake, that are currently staying at Hotel Bonita. In collaboration with their partners, such as UNDP and Arci Brindisi, they have distributed donations for these families. During these days the children have had fun with the creative games, which encourage cooperation between them.


Call – Youth Guide for Durrës

**Youth Guide for Durrës Info Pack** Within the framework of the project “Youth Guide for Durrës,” supported by the Regional Program for Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD), funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the association “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare” announces the call for: • 6 […]


Interreg MED Green Growth Community

The 3rd Interreg MED Green Growth Community Transnational Conference was held for the first time in the Balkans. The association is a member of the Green Growth Community network and attended the conference that took place in Durrës on November 15-16. The MED Green Growth community aims to analyze the role of […]


Youth 4 solution

After a long work of several months with unanimous votes of the jury, the "Youth 4 solution" campaign, presented by the volunteers of the Association "Udhëtimi Lirë" resulted in one of the 3 winners of the project "Youth for community, a new momentum for civic activism", e implemented by the National Youth Congress with the support of the Hans Seidel Stiftung. Discussion “Civic activism through […]


European Mobility Week 2018

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held the activity "European Mobility Week 16-22 September, 2018" in cooperation with the Durrës District Police Directorate, Regional Education Directorate, Directorate of Youth, Education, Culture, Sports and Religious Communities in the Municipality of Durrës. Its focus is Multi Mode on the move a new concept that should […]


Promoting religious harmony among young people

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held a two-day event July 16-17, 2018 with the youth of the Catholic, Muslim and Orthodox religious communities of the city of Durres in collaboration with the Municipality of Durres and the National Youth Congress.


Active Citizenship Manual

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held the event for the project "Active Citizenship Guide - A Guide for Youth Engagement" on June 30, 2018 with the support of #HannsSeidelStiftung. The #ConventionCenter team trained these young people on: Communication and Image; Lobbying and Advocacy and the Internal Impact Organization.


European Week of Mobility

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held the activity "European Mobility Week" in cooperation with the Municipality of Durrës, in the framework of Mobility Week September 16-22, 2017. During this week activities took place in high schools in the city of Durrës . The students of the 9-year schools had a direct demonstration of the traffic rules with the inspectors of […]


Beatification of Mother Teresa

On the 19th of October, Mother Teresa's Day of Happiness, the Municipality of Durres organized an activity with the 9th grade schools "Mother Teresa" and "Jan Kukuzeli".


Training with UAMD students

The training on "Conflict Management, Negotiation, Mediation" took place for 2 days, June 17-18, 2016 in the premises of the University "Aleksandër Moisiu" in the city of Durrës with students of the Faculty of Law.
