Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesDesigning green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities

The commencement of the implementation of the international project "Designing Educational Tools on Green Growth for Youth with Disabilities" through the Erasmus+ program.

Description Youth with disabilities face various forms of discrimination that can lead to their exclusion from society and school. Attitudes towards children with disabilities, as well as the lack of resources to accommodate them, increase the challenges they face in accessing education. Meanwhile, the lack of [...]

CategoriesNews Steps to Youth Resilience and Empowerment

Call for Web Designer

Description As part of the project "Steps to Youth Resilience and Empowerment – SYRE," supported by the Post-Earthquake Social Protection Project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Albania), the "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" Association opens calls for: Web Designer. Click here for more details about the call […]

CategoriesTogether for a better future

World Children's Day

Description The exhibition of children's works of the Day Colors "Colors of Life" Day Center, Kavaja, took place today on the occasion of November 20 - World Children's Day. The works were realized in cooperation with the help of the students of the Gymnasium Aleksander Moisiu. The exhibition was held in the framework of the project "Together for […]


The Youth Exchange of the P.A.C.E project ending

Description The Youth Exchange developed within the P.A.C.E project in Kruja, Albania ended with young participants from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. The project is implemented by Youth for Peace (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Udhetimi Lire – Liberi di Viaggiare (Albania) and Balkans, let’s get up (Serbia), and is supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office - […]

CategoriesActivities P.A.C.E

World Youth Day 2021

Description The association "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" in the framework of the World Youth Day established by the United Nations (United Nations) on August 12, held several activities with young people from Albania, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the beginning they visited the premises of the Multifunctional Youth Center "Udhetim i Lirë" where they were introduced to […]

CategoriesActivities P.A.C.E

Activities developed in the framework of the International Youth Day 2021

Description The association “Udhetim i Lire – Liberi di Viaggiare” organized some activities on International Youth Day (12 August 2021) in Durres. In the activities participated youths from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. The activities were an opportunity for youth from 3 countries to learn from best practices at the local level […]



Description The youth activists of the "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" association participated in two trainings organized within the framework of the P.A.C.E. project, one held in Belgrade, Serbia, and the other in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. The project is being implemented by the organizations: Youth for Peace (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di [...]

CategoriesThe Invisible ForeWomen

Local training of marginalized women and girls is completed

Description The "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" association conducted local trainings with marginalized women during the month of August. These trainings were led by girls and women trained as trainers during the first phase of the "The Invisible ForeWomen" project. The trainings were held in rural areas where women are not empowered and are in need of [...]

CategoriesTogether for a better future

Together for a better future

Description Our services are as follows: Support for children with developmental problems by offering therapy sessions from field psychologists. The specialist, in cooperation with the center's educators, aims to alleviate the problems of these children. The service is supported by the Municipality of Kavajë, as part of the "Together for a better future" project that our association has been implementing for several months [...]



Description The "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" association, within the framework of the DurrësArcheomap project, made possible the Digital Guide for the city of Durrës. The video is in Albanian for Albanian tourists and in English for foreign tourists who wish to visit our city. DurrësArcheomap in Albanian DurrësArcheomap in English
