Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesClean Today - Healthy Tomorrow

Clean Today – Healthy Tomorrow

Të mbështetur nga Raiffeisen Bank dhe në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit “Clean Today – Healthy Tomorrow” për katër muaj radhazi nxënësit e shkollave “Dom Nikoll Kaçorri”, “Benardina Qeraxhia”, “Olsi Lasko” dhe “Beqir Çela” janë njohur me elementet ku ndërthuren mjedisi dhe monumentet arkeologjike e historike të Durrësit. Në këto shkolla u zhvillua fushata e […]

CategoriesYouth Eco Act

Youth Eco Act

Shoqata “Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare” zhvillon projektin “Youth Eco Act” në kuadër të programit SENIOR-II dhe zbatohet nga REC – Qendra Rajonale e Mjedisit në Shqiperi, mbështetur dhe financuar nga Ambasada Suedeze në Tiranë. Ky projekt adreson nevojën për zhvillimin e kapaciteteve të qëndrueshme të shoqatës dhe të rinjve, duke mundësuar krijimin e modeleve […]


European Week of Mobility

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held the activity "European Mobility Week" in cooperation with the Municipality of Durrës, in the framework of Mobility Week September 16-22, 2017. During this week activities took place in high schools in the city of Durrës . The students of the 9-year schools had a direct demonstration of the traffic rules with the inspectors of […]


Beatification of Mother Teresa

On the 19th of October, Mother Teresa's Day of Happiness, the Municipality of Durres organized an activity with the 9th grade schools "Mother Teresa" and "Jan Kukuzeli".


Training with UAMD students

The training on "Conflict Management, Negotiation, Mediation" took place for 2 days, June 17-18, 2016 in the premises of the University "Aleksandër Moisiu" in the city of Durrës with students of the Faculty of Law.


Durres Exhibition 2016

On June 4, 2016, in the premises of the Cultural Palace “Aleksander Moisiu” in Durres, an exhibition of Durres 2016 took place. The purpose of the event was to promote the city of Durres through photos to promote tourism.


For a clean world

The Association "Udhëtimi i Lire" in cooperation with the Municipality of Durres, the Directorate of Education and the Bajram Curri School organized the activity "For a Clean World". The event took place in the framework of April 22, 2016 - International Earth Day.
