Udhëtimi i Lirë


The activity organized by the "Free Travel" association, within the project "Nature based solutions for the Conservation of Pollinators in Green house & Urban Ecosystems" financed by the Bulgarian Embassy in Tirana through the Bulgarian Development Aid program (#BulgarianDevelopmentAid) ended. .

This activity had as its focus the protection of the environment and the promotion of natural methods of growing plants. Also, a special attention was given to the Bumblebee, a type of bee that does the natural pollination of plants. The activity was organized at Agrotourism Huqi, where young people could feel even closer to nature and see closely the growth of the products that are served to them every day.

The young participants were from the following schools: Jusuf Puka School, 9-year-old "Bedrie Bebeziqi" Durrës School, Jan Kukuzeli School, Leonik Tomeo and Dom Nikoll Kacorri. They had the opportunity to get to know each other, learn and have fun through various games.
