Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesCommunities Friendly to Children and Young People

Communities Friendly to Children and Young People

Përshkrimi Shoqata “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare” organizoi date 16-17 Workshop Konsultues me aktore te ndryshem local dhe kombetar. Workshopi u zhvillua në kuadër të projektit “Communities Friendly to Children and Young People” i cili finacohet nga Visegrad Found dhe lead partner Children of Slovakia Foundation. Projekti po implementohet në 6 shtete: Sllovaki, […]

CategoriesCommunities Friendly to Children and Young People

Communities Friendly to Children and Young People

Description The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare" organized today the Consulting Workshop with children and young people. The workshop was held within the project "Communities Friendly to Children and Young People" which is funded by Visegrad Found and lead partner Children of Slovakia Foundation. The project is being implemented in 6 countries: Slovakia, Albania, Czech Republic, […]
