Udhëtimi i Lirë

CategoriesActive Tropoja Youths for our Municipality

"Youth Day" within the ATY4M project

Description On the International Youth Day, August 12, 2023 and within the "Active Tropoja Youths for our Municipality" project, the active youth of Tropoja took an initiative, marking the path of the Xhema lake in the Valbona valley. This trail is a tourist spot for all local and foreign visitors, who [...]

CategoriesDesigning green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities

The beginning of Project Result 4 of the "Designing Educational Tools on Green Growth for Young People with Disabilities" project.

Description R3: Creation of a smart application for learning developmental AIDS materials. We are excited to share that Result 4 of our Erasmus+ project, "Designing Educational Tools on Green Growth for Young People with Disabilities," has started and is progressing well! Result 4, titled "Creation of a [...]"

CategoriesActive Tropoja Youths for our Municipality

"Summer Camp" with the youth of Tropoja Municipality within the framework of the ATY4M project

Description The Association "Udhetim i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare" and the Tropoja Municipality jointly developed the 5-day Summer Camp activity in Tropoja, dedicated to young people representing the Tropoja Local Youth Council, within the "Active Tropoja Youths for our Municipality" project supported by the #EU4Municipalities project and financed by the European Union. During these days, young […]

CategoriesDesigning green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities

Achievement of the second result of the project "Designing Educational Tools on Green Growth for Young People with Disabilities."

Description: We are very pleased to announce the successful completion of Result 2 of our Erasmus+ project, "Designing Educational Tools for Green Growth for Young People with Disabilities"! This phase has been completed, and we are excited to share the results. Result 2, titled "Production of Audio Materials for People with [...]."

CategoriesErasmus+ News

Study session "Youth Democracy Academy"

Description Training Course 8-14 October 2023 | European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary The focus of the Study session is to equip youth leaders/facilitators with knowledge and skills to implement the "Educate for Democracy" programme which explores the concept of democracy innovatively from local, national, and European perspectives.

CategoriesDesigning green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities

The beginning of Result 3 of the project "Designing Educational Tools on Green Growth for Young People with Disabilities."

Description R3: Production of educational films on green growth and culture for each of the participating countries. The main objective of the project is the development and creation of educational tools for people with disabilities, related to green growth and culture. The project includes OER, APP, and other tools for green and cultural growth...


Përfundimi i shkëmbimit rinor në Shqipëri në kuadër të projektit SWING

Përshkrimi Përfundoi me sukses faza e dytw në kuadër të projektit Erasmus+ SWING, shkëmbimi rinor i organizuar në Shqipëri , ku organizatat pjesëmarrëse ishin “Le Comité Départemental Olympique et Sportif du Nord” dhe shoqata “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare”. Projekti përfshin të rinjtë nga mosha 13 – 15 vjeç nga Franca dhe Shqipëria. […]


Projekti “e-Sustainability” në Francë

Përshkrimi #eQëndrueshmëria Shoqata Udhëtim i Lirë- Liberi Di viaggiare një nga partnerët e projektit “e-Sustainability” organizuar nga Shoqata Resopa (Réseau Solidaire & Participatif) dhe bashkëfinancuar nga Bashkimi Evropian, dërgoi punëtorët e saj rinorë të cilët morën pjesë në këtë trajnim. kursi që u organizua në Clermont-Ferrand, Francë – 20 Prill deri në 26 Prill 2023. […]

CategoriesCreative Culture - Based Development of Durres Heritage

The activity of the "Dom Nikollë Kaçorri" school within the framework of the project "Creative Culture – Based Development of Durrës Heritage."

Description: The next activity was that of the "Dom Nikollë Kaçorri" school. The students of this school come from various regions of Albania, and through paintings, descriptions, experiences, songs, and dances, they compared Durrës with the regions they come from. They chose to present their feelings related to what they find in Durrës, its monuments...
