Udhëtimi i Lirë


Hand to hand for Clean Seas

Young people from 10 different countries in Europe gathered in Istanbul from December 3-11, 2018, as part of the "Hand to Hand for Clean Seas" project. Udhëtim i Lirë, as a partner in this project, participated by exchanging the best practices in the fields of environmental protection and recycling, areas in which the Association...


Interreg MED Green Growth Community

The 3rd Interreg MED Green Growth Community Transnational Conference was held for the first time in the Balkans. The association is a member of the Green Growth Community network and attended the conference that took place in Durrës on November 15-16. The MED Green Growth community aims to analyze the role of […]


Youth 4 solution

After a long work of several months with unanimous votes of the jury, the "Youth 4 solution" campaign, presented by the volunteers of the Association "Udhëtimi Lirë" resulted in one of the 3 winners of the project "Youth for community, a new momentum for civic activism", e implemented by the National Youth Congress with the support of the Hans Seidel Stiftung. Discussion “Civic activism through […]


European Mobility Week 2018

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held the activity "European Mobility Week 16-22 September, 2018" in cooperation with the Durrës District Police Directorate, Regional Education Directorate, Directorate of Youth, Education, Culture, Sports and Religious Communities in the Municipality of Durrës. Its focus is Multi Mode on the move a new concept that should […]


All You Need is Dance

All You Need is Dance Info Pack ˝All You Need is Dance” is Erasmus + KA 1 project funded by European Union. Project coordinator is NGO Urbana mladež (Urban youth) from Zagreb, Croatia, while partners are BAKYARD from Turkey, APRA from Albania and Rasio “Perspektiva” from Latvia. 14.10. – 20.10.2018, Zagreb, Croatia. Shkarko Dokumentin

CategoriesFinished Projects

Strengthening the capacity of disability organizations in Durres and raising the issue of accessibility with all local stakeholders

**Description** The organization ‘Udhëtimi i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare’, as a local partner of the ‘Së Bashku’ Foundation, is implementing the project ‘Strengthening the Capacities of Organizations for People with Disabilities in Durrës and Raising the Issue of Accessibility with All Local Actors’. This project is made possible with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal of the project is to improve the capacities of organizations working with people with disabilities in Durrës and promote accessibility for people with disabilities within the local community.


Promoting religious harmony among young people

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held a two-day event July 16-17, 2018 with the youth of the Catholic, Muslim and Orthodox religious communities of the city of Durres in collaboration with the Municipality of Durres and the National Youth Congress.


Active Citizenship Manual

The Association "Udhëtim i Lirë-Liberi di Viaggiare" held the event for the project "Active Citizenship Guide - A Guide for Youth Engagement" on June 30, 2018 with the support of #HannsSeidelStiftung. The #ConventionCenter team trained these young people on: Communication and Image; Lobbying and Advocacy and the Internal Impact Organization.

CategoriesClean Today - Healthy Tomorrow

Clean Today – Healthy Tomorrow

Description Supported by Raiffeisen Bank and within the framework of the implementation of the project “Clean Today – Healthy Tomorrow,” for four consecutive months, students from the schools "Dom Nikoll Kaçorri," "Benardina Qeraxhia," "Olsi Lasko," and "Beqir Çela" have been introduced to the elements where the environment intertwines with the archaeological and historical monuments of Durrës. A campaign was conducted in these schools to […]
