Udhëtimi i Lirë


The association "Udhetim i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare" continued its work during the month of August with the project "Composting on farm for mitigation of climate change". Informative meetings with local farmers and the emphasis on composting as a process which brings benefits not only to the environment but also to the economy continued to be developed by the project coordinator and the expert. During these meetings, more space was left for farmers to ask technical questions regarding the establishment of composting easels.

Farmers during the month of August planted the second crop in greenhouses. Some selected and marked plants were treated with compost prepared during the first phase of the project. The expert also assisted in this process.

The expert will observe the production performance and plant health to make a difference and see the results of the compost. Other interested farmers who requested more information about this process also participated in the planting.

There is a growing interest of farmers in the surrounding areas who require more information on composting. Some of them take the opportunity to receive even more practical and technical information from the expert and the project coordinator.
