The Council of Europe is the main human rights organization on the continent. It includes 46 member states, including all the members of the European Union. All member states of the Council of Europe have signed the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty created to protect human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
The Council of Europe protects freedom of expression and the media, freedom of assembly, equality, and the protection of minorities. It has launched campaigns on issues such as child protection, hate speech on the internet, and the rights of Roma, the largest minority in Europe. Këshilli i Evropës ndihmon vendet anëtare të luftojnë korrupsionin dhe terrorizmin dhe të ndërmarrin reformat e nevojshme gjyqësore. Grupi i tij i ekspertëve kushtetues, i njohur si Komisioni i Venecias, ofron këshilla ligjore për vendet në mbarë botën.
The Council of Europe works in close partnership with the European Union and cooperates with the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and with partner countries in its neighborhood and around the world. For example, the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare of the Council, which plays a key role in combating counterfeit medicines and doping, has agreements with Brazil, China, South Africa, and the United States.
The Council of Europe is headquartered in Strasbourg, France. It employs 2,200 people and maintains external offices and liaison with other international organizations. The European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest offer training for young people on issues of democracy and human rights.
Structure In addition to the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe is made up of several working institutions.
- General Secretary directs and represents the Council of Europe.
- Committee of MinistersComposed of the foreign ministers of the member states and their representatives, it acts as the main decision-making body.
- Parliamentary Assembly provides a democratic forum for debate and monitors elections; its committees play an important role in examining current issues.
- Commissioner for Human Rights addresses and draws attention to human rights violations.
- Congress of Local and Regional Authorities promotes democratic self-governance and monitors elections at the local level.
- The Conference of International Non-Governmental Organizations represents civil society and promotes participatory democracy.
What is The Council of Europe