# Speech4Change is a European platform that aims to counter hate speech through activities of education, sensitization, and advocating the acceptance of diversity and inclusion by alternative narratives.
As part of this platform, Udhetim i Lire will implement an online campaign that will bring together peace activists from organizations, members of the Religions for Peace in Europe (RfP EIYN) and other relevant partners. Young people across Europe will play an active role in creating and promoting a positive and interactive online campaign.
The audience of this campaign will be able to learn about hate speech and its implications for social relations on the Internet, improve their hate speech recognition skills, and discover how they can take a small step in preventing the spread of this negative phenomenon. Through this campaign, audiences will have the opportunity to become part of a large community that wants to help society and through their commitment, to become part of a strong system that aims to reduce the spread of hate speech, prevent violence and make European citizens' lives more enjoyable and positive.
Participant's profile:
✔️ Një person i moshës 15 deri 30 vjeç ? ? nga Shqiperia
✔️ Një person aktiv në shoqërinë civile ? ?️
✔️ Personi krijues dhe kurajoz, i gatshëm për të kundërshtuar urrejtjen ?
✔️ Një person aktiv në botën online ? ? ?
✔️ A person willing to devote a small portion of their time ⌚ between September - December 2020
??? Afati i fundit për APPLICATIONS Sunday, August 30, 2020. years until 23:59.
? Të gjithë aplikantët do të njoftohen me e-mail për rezultatet jo më vonë se e Premtja 04.09.2020
❓❓❓ Për të gjitha pyetjet, ne jemi në dispozicion ✍ ? në ose në Facebook @Udhetimilire